AAFS 2025 Conference TECHNOLOGY: A Tool for Transformation or Tyranny?
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Discover our Guardians Grave Markers in Details
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Identity Guardian: Protection for High-Risk Deployments
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Enhancing Forensic Human Identification in Emergencies and Disasters: Leveraging Technology for Improved Efficiency, Cost Reduction, and Ethical Practices in Management of the Dead.
This document provides an in-depth overview of our advanced grave markers, designed to ensure accurate, durable, and respectful identification of deceased individuals.
Our Identity Guardians service is designed to assist first responders, military personnel, and humanitarian workers in ensuring the dignified and accurate identification of individuals .
Echoes of Conflict: Unveiling the Silent War on Gaza’s Dead
Welmoet Wels, MA, LLMMegan Bassendale, MA, MSc, DipFM Amid Gaza’s tumultuous landscape, a less visible but equally profound tragedy unfolds—this time, targeting the sanctity of
Compassionate Fatality Management in Conflict Zones
In the face of mass fatalities, especially in prolonged conflicts, the challenges of managing the deceased are immense. At Forensic Guardians International, based in Vancouver,
Bridging Science and Technology: The Future of Forensic Identification
A few days ago, I presented a paper at The European Society for Criminology conference on a panel that delved deep into the challenges and
How to Manage Human Remains in Emergencies
Infographic: 7 Steps to Manage Human Remains in Emergencies This quick reference guide will help users to recover and manage human remains in emergencies. These
Human Remains Recovery Forms
Downloadable in English, Arabic, Turkish, and Russian Use these forms to digitally record and save information about human remains recovered in emergencies, disasters and conflicts.
Storing Human Remains in an Emergency
A Guide for First Responders Use this information to properly store human remains in an emergency, conflict or disaster. Management of disaster victims may require
Casualty Recording Checklist: Tips for Recording Casualties in Disasters
Tips for Recording Casualties in Disasters The aftermath of disasters such as an earthquake can be devastating, with widespread destruction, numerous casualties and families searching
Ensuring Traceability of Human Remains in Emergencies
Mass Fatality Events and Disaster Victim Identification Disasters and conflicts can have catastrophic consequences, resulting in many deaths and overwhelming local and regional services. Consider
Forensic Identification of Human Remains
What is Forensic Identification? Forensic identification is a determination of identity based on specific and scientific matching of information between a missing person and unidentified